Hydrometallurgy Research Metrics

Group Academic Performance








H-Indices of Hydromet Professors (Year PhD Awarded)

  • H-Index

Our team is comprised of a mixture of senior, intermediate and junior professors who are leaders in their respective fields of study.

Group Funding Structure

A key differentiator for the Hydrometallurgy Group is our ability to connect with hydrometallurgy partners and work towards solving industrially relevant problems. Over 67% of our funding is sourced from the establishment of strong corporate partnerships.

18.4 m

Total Funding

5.9 m

Government Sourced Funding

13 m

Industry Sourced Funding

195 k

University Sourced Funding


Foundation Sourced Funding

Our Place in the Academic Landscape


The Hydrometallurgy Group at UBC is unique as we operate as a distinct group within our department. We believe this concerted and team-based approach has allowed us to contribute to each other’s success, as well as solidify a strong track record of collaboration and engagement with industry.

When compared to the countries with 5 or more individuals listed in the top 75 hydrometallurgy researchers in Google Scholar as well as large regional groups, the Hydromet Group at UBC holds its ground as a competitive leader in hydrometallurgy. The strength of the Hydromet Group at UBC lies in its ability to functionally collaborate and make a concerted effort to solve industrially relevant problems.


By Country

Average career citations of the Hydromet Group compared to average career citations of comparator countries that have 5 or more researchers listed in the Google Scholar top 75 researchers in hydrometallurgy list.
Average career citations of the Hydromet Group compared to average career citations of comparator countries that have 5 or more researchers listed in the Google Scholar top 75 researchers in hydrometallurgy list.

By Region

Average career citations of the Hydromet group compared to average career citations of comparator regions.  All researchers listed in the Google Scholar top 75 researchers in hydrometallurgy list were sorted into the comparator categories.
Average career citations of the Hydromet group compared to average career citations of comparator regions. All researchers listed in the Google Scholar top 75 researchers in hydrometallurgy list were sorted into the comparator categories.