Our History
The Hydrometallurgy Group is situated within the Department of Materials Engineering at the University of British Columbia which has a proud history of achievements stemming from its formation in 1915. Our department has demonstrated a strong and consistent precedent for translating research into innovations in the field of hydrometallurgy. For example, the work of Frank Forward (the Materials Engineering Department Head from 1945-1954) led to the development of the Sherritt process for the hydrometallurgical recovery of both nickel and cobalt from sulphide concentrates. In addition, the work conducted by Dr. Forward in the late 1950s led to the industry standard zinc pressure leach process which is still relevant today.
The Hydrometallurgy Group continues to meet the standard of excellence originally put forth by the research and innovation of Dr. Forward. Our group is responsible for a number of recent, industrially relevant hydrometallurgical process developments including the GalvanoxTM processes for copper leaching, the PLATSOL process for base and precious metal extraction, and the Sepon process for secondary copper sulphide extraction.
Research Areas
We are eager to explore both fundamental and applied areas on topics related to hydrometallurgy.